Monday 22 February 2010


The title of our thriller is ‘Lonely’. We have chosen to call it this because it explains how both our main characters are feeling throughout the film. However it is not apparent that both characters are feeling this until the end because the protagonist turns out to be not as innocent as we think she is. Our title is conventional to the thriller genre because it creates questions to the audience. This will appeal to our target audience because they will be film lovers and interested in who’s lonely in the film.

Target Audience
Our target audience for our opening thriller sequence is ages 15-20 it will also appeal to both genders. It will appeal to any type of teenager because of the main themes which are love, break up to obsession. However because of the location and type of actors I feel that our opening won’t appeal to upper class people. It will be set mainly in a train station and the actors will be played by working teenagers. This means they will probably not be able to relate to the characters lifestyle which will be revealed in the whole film. The media consumption of our target audience will be mystery book and detective programs. This is because our film raises a lot of questions to our audience and they will find it interesting trying to figure who really is the killer.

The technology then we will use during the production of the opening sequence are a digital camera to record all the sequence, I movies on an I Mac and music making programme. We are going to use these technological devises because they are easy and simple to use and they are also accessible to us as students for free. Also we are able to create effects with editing which will help our story. The problems will be facing will be that there will be no special in our movie. This is due to the program we our using and our budget would not fund the effects, such as explosions or aliens landing. Also there are a very limited variety of cameras as well not many cameras we could use. This will create problems sometimes because we will have to film the same thing over and over and this could create problems it might not be the same every time we shoot it. For our titles the programs we are going to use are fireworks and maybe flash. Fire works is software which allows you to make your own images and incorporate typography. This program is like a different type of photo shop it is good that we are going to you this because it is going to allow us to be very creative with our titles. Lastly we are going to create our music for our thriller on a programme called garage band. I have never used this before so it may be a challenge.
James will be played by Jamal Smikle who is one of the media students that make up the production team that made this thriller. we have chose this person to play this certain character because the appearance of him fits certain stereo types for instance the way he dresses. Which is that black men are thugish and bad people. That why we feel he works well for the stalker role.

Carla will be played by Stephanie Osborn, a student at Havering 6th form. We have chosen this particular actress because of convenience reasons because our the actress who looked exactly like her dropped out. we went for a certain type of girl because she fits the basic apparence of a female thriller antagonist. We believe this to be vulnerble nieve looking woman. We feel the fact that our actress has blonde hair and blue eyes makes her perfect to be the victim. For our whole film she is perfect because she turns out to be the protagonist but ue to her appearance she is least likly to be suspected.

The two main characters in are James and Carla. James is the antagonist and Carla is protagonist. James is a person that has one main interest in life. He doesn’t like change and gets easily attached to people. He is a black teenager who is hard to get to know and has mysterious aspects to him. Carla is what seems to be and innocent girl and very friendly. She appears to be naive however has a harsh temper and a taste for revenge which we find out in the end of our film. Prop’s theory is that he that film follow the same clear structure this is that they have a fairytale ending and there’s a hero. Our film in general does not follow his character types this is because there is not clear hero in the whole film. Also it another reason why it don’t follow his theory is because of the red herring that is used which is a typical thriller convention which misleads to audience with a twist at the end. Our characters are represented in a bad light because one is a stalker and the other is a killer.

Our film is about a teenage couple break up. James (antagonist) becomes obsessed with his ex-girlfriend and who ever she dates. He can’t let go and wants to be in her life so he starts to stalk her. He tries to kidnap her while she’s on the way to meet another boy but he fails because there is a crowd watching. These types of awkward occurrences keep happening and he keeps missing the opportunity to kidnap her. So he them takes picture of her and all the people she meets up with and mysteriously all boys she starts dating end up dyeing. All fingers are pointing are pointing at him. Goes to prison but insists he is not a murderer and in the end the twist is that she was killing them all along because she wanted to take revenge on him.
In the opening sequence Carla is on her way to the station to go meet her friends. As she is walking to the station her ex boy friend is stalking her and he is watching her from in the bushes. When she at the station she sees a man all in black starring at her. She is left uneasy and doesn’t know it’s her ex boyfriend. A train races past and we cut to flashbacks of her and her boyfriend breaking up. When the train passes the man in black is gone. Little does she know he is waiting at the next station! She gets off the train and we see this all on CCTV. He goes to kidnap her but her group of friends come and meet her so he can’t grab her. We see him taking pictures of her when she is hugging a boy and we zoom out of the picture and see all the other pictures he has of her and other people. This clarifies to the audience that he is stalking her.

There are two conventions that we are using in our thriller opening scene are flashback and foreshadowing. The main one is flashback because it helps the audience to understand what is happening in the opening. It shows the history of the relationship between protagonist and antagonist. Also we use foreshadowing to show the type of person he is and the characteristics he has. Plus we will use this convention to be the way that we move the story along in the film. The sub genre our thriller falls into the slasher/stalker. This is because our thriller is about an ex-boyfriends obsessions which turns him into a stalker.

Style and iconography
The effect we trying to certain our opening sequence is suspense. The way we are going to do this with the camera is by the variety of shots we are going to use. For example point of view shot to make the audience feel what characters are feeling. High angle shot when he is going to try grab her to show how oblivious and vulnerable she is. In contrast low angle shots to show the antagonist as being dominant and unpredictable. The way we will show suspense through our editing is through the good use of dynamics in the pace of the editing. The pace will be fast with lots of different angles of shots this will help to show that she is being followed and is scared. However the editing will slow down so we can shock the audience at certain parts, this mean we will be in control of the audience emotions. We will use costumes to signify that there is a clear antagonist by him wearing all black. The props are going to use for him are a camera and loads of pictures. This will signify that he a stalker. Finally the music and sound effects we are going to use will tap on to our audience’s emotions. The music will accompany the editing by being asynchronous. We have decided that we would like to use a type of music called Dubstep. This type of music is purely about the beat and can be quite scary to listen to. Finally we have chosen this type of music because it is currently popular with teenagers at the moment and they are our main target audience.

An independent film company will be the type to produce my thriller, this is due to many factors. I would say an independent company like film 4 would be ideal to produce my thriller. This is because of the location, it is local and well know. Unlike Hollywood companies which locations are fantasy and unrealistic. Also the content is a bit controversial because it shows teenagers in a bad light and companies in the big 6 wont want to attach there name to something like that in case they get a bad name, which gives them an overall bad reputation. Also the acts are British and this will not appeal to other countries and film 4 films are only available in England Finally I think that our film will be exhibited on the internet this is because of our target audience which is teenagers. I feel that this will be the best place for it to be shown because teenagers use the internet and there are many way it can be advertised on there. For example pop up web banners, games and YouTube trailers.

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