Monday 22 February 2010


It’s a dark windy night, not many people are around on the streets.
See a girl walking down the street up towards the train station. She gives of an uneasy vibes and is walking really fast.
We see from the ‘stalkers’ point of view we watched her go into to the station then shortly follows after her.
She walks into the station down the stairs to the platform. She feels like someone’s behind following yet when she looks no one is there.
Whilst she is waiting at the disserted station she sees a black figure across on the opposite platform staring at her. She’s feels uneasy tries to look closer.
Suddenly a train races past.
We see clips of the breakup of her and her boyfriend. He gets violent and she leaves. He is extremely anger. This is accompanied by the train noise.
The train passes and then she looks back across to the platform to find he is gone.
Concisely she gets on the train to her destination.
We go to a clip of the CCTV of the stations she gets off and see that the same man is there waiting for her.
The train arrives and she gets off and he goes to grab her however a crowd of people come to the station to witness so he stops.
She walks out of the station unharmed yet he takes pictures if her.
We zoom out of the picture and see all the picture of him and her of when they were together to pictures of her by herself of with friends.

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